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Directions to flymaui: Kuhea St., East Ramp, Kahului Airport (OGG)

1.  Drive as if going to Haleakala Hwy.

2.  At intersection of Hana Hwy and Haleakala Hwy, turn Northwest towards airport (away from Haleakala)

3.  At first stop sign, turn right towards General Aviation.  DO NOT GO TO HELIPORT.

4.  Follow road northward.  It turns a few times.  Keep going towards General Aviation.

5.  After passing the Control Tower on left, take the next left turn down a small road.

6.  Park at any of the stalls on the right or on the shoulder on the left. (with the exception of maui flight academy’s designated space, for risk of being towed) we will meet you at gate 5.2 about half way down the fence on the right side of the parking area, nearest the middle t-hangars.